Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection that usually occurs between December and March and most people who contract flu recover within a week or two. However it can be more serious, particularly for people who may be more vulnerable to complications. We call these ‘At Risk Groups’ and these are listed below. Pneumonia vaccination will also be offered to patients in the ‘At Risk Groups’ who have not previously been vaccinated.
At Risk Groups Who Can Make Appointments
- People aged 65 and older
- People suffering from heart disease
- People suffering from asthma or other chronic respiratory illnesses
- People suffering from diabetes
- People suffering from kidney disease
- People who have reduced immunity, ie. from chemotherapy or steroid treatment or people who have had their spleen removed
- Long-term residents in care homes.
- Pregnant women
- Carers
The majority of the ‘Flu Clinics’ will be during October. These clinics are for registered patients who are classified within the above At Risk Groups. As in previous recent years, we will be running an appointment-only system. Appointments can be made from September onwards and we strongly advise you to telephone during September to ensure an early appointment.
Please telephone the Surgery on 01277 821699 between 2.00 pm and 6.30 pm weekdays to arrange an appointment.